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Jaishankar is a diversely skilled senior executive professional with 20years of proven expertise in strategy, Analysis, consulting for business management with emphasis in the banking, financial services and Insurance (BFSI) domain. Jai possesses a post- graduate degree from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras.

He took a course in which he analyzed higher analytical mathematical modeling of JET engines. Not surprisingly, Jai received excellent grades, and graduated with a Master’s degree in 1995. He has been a key strategic advisor for fortune 100 enterprises in USA, Europe and Asia, as well as an innovator at top technology product companies enabling them to meet or exceed their business objectives and financial goals (in the range of hundreds of millions USD).

He provides services related to strategic planning, process re-engineering, business architecture and performance management, and global cross-functional program delivery. Jai is an energetic entrepreneur having successfully incubated and grown multiple ventures in the areas of financial technology products, Infrastructure Company, Retail and jewelry Manufactures, Mining and media.

He possesses a very influential personal network of accomplished leaders and innovators across a gamut of geographies, Area of expertise and business domains. He is adept at establishing strategic vision, change management, business development, fund-raising, driving operational efficiency and financial controls.


Setting strategic vision, Business development, Consulting sales, Account management, turnaround management, multi-site operations, P&L responsibility, enterprise business development, relationship building, project management, Implementation/consulting, operational excellence, financial asset optimization, business process architecture, organizational development and change management and operational based on fact, precision and knowledge.